︎Portfolio of Books, Zines and Illustrations︎

Portfolio of Emz and Jon
Contact: em.ozark@gmail.com

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2024, page count TBD.
To debut at Queer and Trans Zine Fest! 

As kids, Jon and I would take turns making pages for a comic we made together about two private detective cats solving mysteries inspired by the ‘I-spy’ books. Now as adults, we felt a zine to be the perfect medium to re-take this mode of creation in which we switch back and forth each page and make up a plot on the fly.

In this issue, Agent E and M get distracted by a loose storm drain while out on a case. Little do they know what the sewers have in store for them...

‘Dio and Viv and Friends’ (title pending)

2024, page count TBD.
Venture Bros meets Invader Zim in this queer sci-fi inspired comedy about two “evil scientists”, Dio and Viv, attempting to rise in the ranks of evil science, while also attmepting to impress Viv’s crush on local butch woman Gil without tiping her off to their “evil” antics. 

Two issues are currently in progress: “The Botanists” in which our scientists await the reveal of their newly assigned evil scientist rank and “The Interview” in which someone actually replies for an evil scientist assistant job Dio accidentally posted on Indeed. Samples of the two issues below. 

‘The Invitation’ and New Story

2022-23, 8 Pages (16 when completed)
The Invitation is a lesbian love story about a stud woman who uses magic to turn water into plants prepares for a date with her butch co-worker. 

The comic was originally desinged with scrolling format of the web in mind, and adapted for print by making it a small accordian book. I would like to update the comic and am working on an additonal story about the same two characters on the back. The story is to be completed by the end of the summer. 


An informative fun zine with various historical facts about Baphomet, a symbol of transness. Comes in fun colors. By: Jon. 2024, 8 pages.


An autobiographical zine about being transgender and one’s body and body ideals, first in a series about Jon’s trans experiences.
By: Jon. 2024, 8 pages.

︎Samples of My Past and Current Books︎

Tall Bike Series


My two comics about my brother’s Tall Bike utilize the comic format to explore memory and perception. This year I’ve resized, and reformatted the two comics, in addtion to adding some extra art to ‘Tall Bike’ and a new forward to Liminal Evevning.

‘The Tall Bike’ 

8.5” x 5.5”, 12 pages. Originally drawn in 2021 with new art and formatting in 2024.

A brief memoir in which I recall riding behind my brother when he took his neon orange tall bike out for the first time. I reflect on the way my brother and my relationship to the bike has changed in the final new pages.

Due to the unique nature of the color neon orange, I hand color every book and hand sew it with neon orange binding. 


‘Tall Bike: Liminal Evening ’

6.5” x 5.5” (up to 44” long fully opened)
14 pages. 2021, scanned monotype prints.

Tall Bike: Liminal Evening, is a sibling comic to ‘The Tall Bike’ started from a series of screenshots I took of a video call from my brother while he filmed from atop his Tall Bike, giving me a digital experience from his point of view.

The bizarre fragmentation from the screenshots has a liminal aura - my brother was also into the concept of liminal spaces at the time - which inspired me to translate as many as I could into monotype print; the medium further fragmenting and transforming the images.

Tall Bike Liminal Evening was originally created on monotype in 2021, and officially exhibited as a book with 11 x 11 inch reprints of the prints in 2022. The book was resized and reprinted with a new introduction in 2024. 

  ‘Untitled Bike Memoir’ 

An in-progress memoir about a bike trail that runs through Neenah, Menasha, Clayton, and other parts of rural Wisconsin. I explore the ephmeral nature of memory with graphite and the more concrete photos and films I had taken while biking the trail with colored pencil. I also explore dealing with body dysphoria, disability, and how these things changed and stayed the same over time. 

Each book is printed and hand bound by Emz. 

‘Ghost Prints’, 2022

Ghost Prints is a surreal 60 page memoir about having deja vu four times over a short span of time while dealing with the stresses of being a student, COVID, depression, and caught in between family troubles. It’s name comes from the effect of drawing on newsprint, wherein the light from the scan caused the “Ghost Prints” of the previous pages to shine through. 




‘Millie and her “Kills’

Part of my new series retelling the silly things my cat Millie does with watercolor. In this issue, Millie battles a fierce toy.  
8 Pages, 2024.

‘Cats From Paintings Cat Shelter’ 

What if I worked at a cat shelter where all the cats were from old paintings? Includes a little historical featurette about what paintings each cat is from. 9 Pages, 2022. 


Previous zine fest attendents were disappointed my joke idea for a zine was not made a reality. Be disappointed no more! Now you can know the top 15 egg characters, all with nice little brush pen illustrations. The top three get their own separate zine when you flip it inside out. One of my sillier zines, made in 2024, 16 Pages. 

Surprise Zines

Short and silly, these zines are ones you can’t judge by their cover. They are simple but you’ll be in for a surprise when you read them.
“Remember That Book?” by my partner explores a journey into remembering a strange book from their childhood.
“Sweet Jazz Music In Cozy Coffee Shop Ambience To Chill Out To” is a gallery of the strange but real icons on generated playlists my friend has sent me.
Both were made in 2024 and have 8 pages each. 

︎Zines By My Partner, Jon︎

My Partner and I collabroate on a lot of projects, and sell zines together. Here is some of her work. 


Some samples of pages of an in-progress zine about a plague doctor gathering materials and making a soup, illustrated tradionally with marker. 2024, 8 pages.


A cute, fun zine about an increasing amount of ducks playing in various situations.
2024, 8 pages. 

Samples of Prints and Buttons

While Zines will be our focus, we have some button-ifed bits from our zines, as well as some prints themed after characters from our stories we may sell. 

About Us

Emma (left) and Jon (right) are Wisconsin born queer artists currently living in St. Paul, MN with their cat Millie. We have tabled at Autonomous Zine Fest and are looking foward to being more involved in the zine community in the cities and beyond.

Emma “Emz” Ozark
She/Any pronouns
Emz is a disabled bisexual butch. She has a BFA in Comics and has been making comics since birth. She makes work inspired by her experiences with various kinds of disability and films. She has a practice mixing comics, illustrations, and stop motion animation.
He/she/it pronouns
Jon is a transmasc butch lesbian. He has been doing art on the side while pursuing a Marriage and Family Therapy degree and has been drawing animals and creatures since getting a Magnadoodle as a toddler.

Contact: em.ozark@gmail.com